BASEMENT - Neue EP Further Sky angekündigt; erster Song online
Di., 17.06.2014 - 20:33 Uhr
Die reaktivierte UK Melodic Hardcore Band BASEMENT arbeitet an einer neuen EP, die mit "Further Sky" bereits einen Namen erhalten hat. Mit "Summer's Colour" gibt es jetzt auch einen neuen Song der Scheibe zu hören.
Die Band schreibt offiziell:
"Earlier this year, we spent a weekend recording at Livingston Studio 1 in north London. It was an incredible experience to work in such a prestigious location and one we feel privileged to have shared together. Writing this record, we had to adapt to writing and practicing whilst spread out across the globe and the two new original songs on Further Sky are the outcome of this interesting process. We are really looking forward to playing these songs on tour this summer in Australia, Japan and the USA."