
BASEMENT - Band meldet sich von Pause zurück; erste Shows für den Sommer 2014 angekündigt

Mi., 29.01.2014 - 20:26 Uhr

Die UK Melodic Hardcore Band BASEMENT hat via Facebook ihre Rückkehr angekündigt. Die Band "befand" sich seit 2012 in Pause und will jetzt im Sommer wieder mit neuen Shows starten.

Hier das offizielle Wort:

"In the autumn of 2012 we made a decision as a band to put things on hold, as many of us had other commitments in our lives that needed to take priority. Almost two years on, for the most part now settled in where we want to be, it feels like there is space for change. When we put out the hiatus statement, we genuinely thought we were going to be away for quite a while, and we didn't see any chance of having free time to do anything other than focus on our professional lives. We're glad that this is not the case. We are really excited to say that Basement will be playing shows this summer, and we're looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Thank you so much for your continued support.

Alex, Andrew, Duncan, James and Ronan.
- Basement"

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