
TEXTURES - Sänger Eric Kalsbeek verlässt die Band

Mo., 25.01.2010 - 08:08 Uhr

Sänger Eric Kalsbeek hat die niederländische Prog-Metal Band verlassen. Er möchte sich mehr um seine Familie und seinen Job kümmern.

Kalsbeek schreibt:

"Dear fans & friends, I decided to quit Textures. My life changed, priorities shifted. I can't cope with the heavy touring and the time investment anymore. I need to focus on my job and family. I need to take a few steps back. I've had six beautiful years with the band, did loads of amazing shows, made tons of new friends and created some mind-blowing music. I'm going to miss the guys, and of course you, the fans. I know Textures will continue to conquer the world and give you all great, heavy and awesome music. I wish my successor all the best. I will keep on making music, but something totally different, much more low-profile. Maybe we will meet again. Eric out"

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