
TEXTURES - Neues Album Dualism erscheint im September

Do., 14.07.2011 - 20:11 Uhr

Die niederländische Metal Band hat die Arbeiten zum neuen Longplayer "Dualism" abgeschlossen. Erscheinen wird "Dualism" in Europa am 23. September auf Nuclear Blast Records. Weitere Infos zu TEXTURES gibt es auf im Netz.

Hier die offizielle Meldung:

"The album was recorded at Split Second Sound Studio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and was produced by the band's guitar player Jochem Jacobs. The first single, "Reaching Home," will be released on 19th of August through all major download sites.

The artwork of the album was designed by former Textures' frontman Eric Kalsbeek and the band's bass player Remko Tielemans. Eric had the following to say: 'The guys asked me to co-create the artwork together with Remko, for good old times' sake. Of course I said yes! I might not be in the band anymore, but I'm still involved in some ways. We're still pretty close, you know. It was a challenge, it had to be 'different' but still Textures-like. Hope you like it!'"

Track listing:
01. Arms of the Sea
02. Black Horses Stampede
03. Reaching Home
04. Sanguine Draws the Oath
05. Consonant Hemispheres
06. Burning The Midnight Oil
07. Singularity
08. Minor Earth, Major Skies
09. Stoic Resignation
10. Foreclosure
11. Sketches from a Motionless Statue

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