
STRUCTURES - Band legt längere Pause ein

Sa., 18.10.2014 - 08:21 Uhr structures

Die kanadische Hardcore / Metal Band STRUCTURES wird eine Pause für unbestimmte Zeit einlegen und im Dezember noch ein paar letzte Konzerte spielen.

Offiziell heißt es:

"We are saddened to announce that Structures will be going on an indefinite hiatus come 2015. This is not an easy decision considering how much we have put into this band since its inception in 2009, however we all feel that a healthy break is necessary for each of us for various personal reasons. We are all on good terms and have made this decision collectively.

"We want to thank all of our fans, new and old, for supporting the music we have made throughout the last few years. You are what allowed us to live out our dreams and for that we are forever grateful. To all of the bands we have toured with and the friendships that have been formed along the way, thank you for the unforgettable times on the road and the great shows that we've shared. Thank you to Sumerian Records for giving us a platform to release our music. Thanks to Outerloop Management, Good Fight, Pantheon, Avocado and The Agency Group for all your help through the years.

"This tour will be a farewell tour of sorts, however, we are not fully closing the idea of picking things back up if and when the time is right. Who knows what tomorrow brings.

"We're also excited to have Nick joining us on these dates. It only makes sense that we finish off how we started. We will be playing songs from our entire catalogue.

"Looking forward to playing some fun shows around home with Obey The Brave, our hometown friends in Exalt and Villains. See you at the dates below and thanks for your support, we love you all."

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