NASTY - Band gibt LineUp Änderung bekannt
Mo., 03.02.2014 - 07:33 Uhr

Wie die Hardcore Band NASTY gestern auf ihrer Facebook Seite bekannt gab, wird "Spiderman" die Gruppe verlassen, für ihn steigt Paddy von FALLBRAWL ein.
Hier die offizielle Meldung:
"Last Sunday in Tilburg Spiderman played his last show for Nasty. Cause of becoming father soon he he decided to focus on Family and to quit the band. We wish him and his Family the best and a healthy and bright future.
We are happy to announce that Paddy who already helped us out several times and is a close friend of ours joined Nasty to fill that open spot.
We already recorded a new song at Pitchback Studios and shot a video with WEDOVOODOO.TV that is going to be released soon..
Upcoming Tour with Terror, Deez Nuts, and Broken Teeth:
19.04. Leipzig - Impericon Fest (Germany) w/o BROKEN TEETH
20.04. Obernorf - Easter Cross Festival (Germany)
21.04. Münster - Sputnik Halle (Germany)
22.04. Hamburg - Knust (Germany)
23.04. München - Backstage(Germany)
24.04. Prague - Futurum (Czech Republic)
25.04. Wien - Impericon Fest (Austria) w/o BROKEN TEETH
27.04. Manchester - Impericon Fest (Great Britain) w/o BROKEN TEETH
28.04. Schwäbisch Hall - Kantine (Germany) w/o BROKEN TEETH
29.04. Nürnberg - Hirsch (Germany)
30.04. Köln - Impericon Fest (Germany) w/o BROKEN TEETH
01.05. Berlin - My Fest (Germany)
02.05. Meerhout - Groezrock (Belgium) w/o NASTY, BROKEN TEETH
03.05. Romans Sur Isere - Cité de la Musique (France)
04.05. Milano - Mezzago (Italy)
05.05. Montpellier - Secret Place (France)
06.05. Madrid - Sala Lemon (Spain)
07.05. Badalona - Sala Estraperlo (Spain)
08.05. Toulouse - Dynamo (France)
09.05. Angouleme - La Nef (France)
10.05. St Brieuc - La Citrouille (France)
11.05. Besancon - Rodia (France)"
We are happy to announce that Paddy who already helped us out several times and is a close friend of ours joined Nasty to fill that open spot.
We already recorded a new song at Pitchback Studios and shot a video with WEDOVOODOO.TV that is going to be released soon..
Upcoming Tour with Terror, Deez Nuts, and Broken Teeth:
19.04. Leipzig - Impericon Fest (Germany) w/o BROKEN TEETH
20.04. Obernorf - Easter Cross Festival (Germany)
21.04. Münster - Sputnik Halle (Germany)
22.04. Hamburg - Knust (Germany)
23.04. München - Backstage(Germany)
24.04. Prague - Futurum (Czech Republic)
25.04. Wien - Impericon Fest (Austria) w/o BROKEN TEETH
27.04. Manchester - Impericon Fest (Great Britain) w/o BROKEN TEETH
28.04. Schwäbisch Hall - Kantine (Germany) w/o BROKEN TEETH
29.04. Nürnberg - Hirsch (Germany)
30.04. Köln - Impericon Fest (Germany) w/o BROKEN TEETH
01.05. Berlin - My Fest (Germany)
02.05. Meerhout - Groezrock (Belgium) w/o NASTY, BROKEN TEETH
03.05. Romans Sur Isere - Cité de la Musique (France)
04.05. Milano - Mezzago (Italy)
05.05. Montpellier - Secret Place (France)
06.05. Madrid - Sala Lemon (Spain)
07.05. Badalona - Sala Estraperlo (Spain)
08.05. Toulouse - Dynamo (France)
09.05. Angouleme - La Nef (France)
10.05. St Brieuc - La Citrouille (France)
11.05. Besancon - Rodia (France)"