
MISS MAY I - Fan stirbt auf Konzert nach Stagedive

Mo., 05.05.2014 - 07:05 Uhr

Am Wochenende ist der 21jährige Alberto Scott nach einer Show der US Hardcore-Metal Band MISS MAY I an den Folgen eines mißglückten Stagedives gestorben.

Die Show in der Webster Hall in New York statt. Scott sprang von der Bühne, wurde jedoch nicht aufgefangen und stürzte auf seinen Kopf. Er erlag später am Abend im Krankenhaus seiner Verletzung.

Die Band kommentierte kurz:

"Hey everyone, we are aware of the incident that occurred at Webster Hall last night and will be posting a statement shortly. However, we are awaiting further information regarding the situation before we are able to make a full statement."
Auf sammeln Freunde Geld für die Bestattung:
"On 5/3/14 this vibrant 21 year old young man with a passion for Screamo music and big dreams went to his favorite band's concert and collapsed and died after dancing. His only family is his sister and her family who all live in Florida and are already struggling financially. Please consider donating to help this family say goodbye to a life gone way too soon. Any amount would help to ease this family's burden at this painful time. Thank you in advance."
Update 08.05.2014
Die Band hat sich jetzt mit einem Statement zum Unfall geäußert:
"Hey everyone, apologies for the radio silence these last couple of days. After what happened we've all taken some time to reflect but we had to speak up today to give our heartfelt thanks.

First and foremost, to those who've reached out to offer their sympathies or who've kept Alberto and his family in their thoughts and prayers. In particular to all those who donated to his family; after only a few days they have almost reached their fundraising goal. If you can spare any amount, no matter how small, it will be greatly appreciated. You can do so here

We're also looking into an auction. Something unique from the band will be listed online in the coming weeks; with the proceeds to go to Alberto's family also. More news on that very soon."

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