
FOUR LETTER LIE - Einer weniger

Do., 09.07.2009 - 07:20 Uhr

Schlagzeuger Derek Smith hat die Band verlassen und will sich künftig nur noch seinem Hip-Hop Projekt widmen.

Die Band schreibt aktuell auf ihrem MySpace Profil:

"Our good friend and drummer Derek Smith will no longer be a part of Four Letter Lie as he will be pursuing his rap career with his project Modern Sunshine.

We are supportive of his decision as he is creating music he loves and is truly passionate about. Please continue to support him and check out his myspace:

Myself, Brian and Connor started this band together when we were in high school and we will continue to do what we love together. We have seen every bump in the road throughout the years and we will rely on our friendship to keep us moving along this path.

Our friend Tim Java will be drumming on the new record. Tim is extremely talented and has drummed for Dead To Fall, With Dead Hands Rising and currently his project modernsextrash. We are so excited about having him join us on this record. You can find more info about him here:

John and Connor will be playing guitar and our tour manager/ friend Dirty Sean will be handling the bass on tour.

We will be looking for a drummer to join the band permanently, so if you or anyone you know are interested please send an email to:

We will be hitting the studio in ONE WEEK with producer Matt Goldman in Atlanta, Georgia to begin work on our 3rd full length titled, "A New Day," which will be released on Victory Records September 15th.

Our CD release show is September 19th @ The Barfly in Minneapolis. Come out to the shows to hear and see the new Four Letter Lie! We are excited for all of you to hear our new songs. New tour dates will be added frequently!

And continue to send in those "A New Day" pictures for the contest! Deadline is September 1st!

John, Brian, and Connor"

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