
DEW-SCENTED - Band schreibt an neuem Material

Sa., 01.03.2014 - 08:21 Uhr

Die Thrash Metal Band DEW-SCENTED arbeitet an neuem Material für ein kommendes Album. Erscheinen wird das nächste Album wohl erst 2015.

Sänger Leif Jensen kommentiert:

"2014 is scheduled to be a 'quieter' year since we are focusing on writing the follow-up album to 2012's 'Icarus.' We have gathered about eight really strong songs so far and are currently working on a couple more. The material is as relentless as you would expect from Dew-Scented, but also shows different and new elements in the mix, since everyone (Marvin, Rory, Joost and Koen) is bringing in ideas and writing contributions this time. As things look right now, we should be ready to start recording around summer and are aiming at an early 2015 release date for the album."

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