DARKEST HOUR - Neues Album in Arbeit
So., 18.08.2013 - 08:12 Uhr

Nach im Juni 2013 ein neuer Labeldeal mit Sumerian Records unter Dach und Fach gebracht werden konnte, gibt es jetzt die Meldung, dass die US Metal/Hardcore Band DARKEST HOUR an einem neuen Album arbeitet.
Im September sollen die Aufnahmen startet und auf www.facebook.com von der Band dokumentiert werden.
Gitarrist Michael Schleibaum kommentiert:
"When John Henry (vocals) and I started the band some 18 years ago we could have never imagined the sound would travel this far. The making of this record (dating back to January of 2012) was both a painful and joyful one and the end result has become something truly transcendent. John's work with Taylor on the new demos has proven to be the best he's ever sounded and the introduction of the creative minds of both Travis Orbin (drums) and Aaron Deal (bass) have taken the songwriting someplace otherworldly. You can expect a massive evolution. The Killswitch tour couldn't have come at a better time for us creatively. It gave us the time and space to think about the album as a whole and really craft something special."
Sänger John Henry fügt hinzu: "To say that writing with Travis has been a metamorphosis is an understatement. His playing style and influence has soaked itself into the soul of the band. His perspective has brought new life into both our writing process and way of thinking. Taylor has fresh ears and new eyes on both production and the way people hear music. We've recorded with some amazing producers (Brian Mcternan, Fredrick Nordstrom, Devin Townsend, Peter Witchers) who all in one way or another brought their own spin to the band's sound. However, with these new demos we hear the potential for a new sonic overhaul and can't wait to dig in and track these final takes."