
BETRAYAL - ex-Drummer verhaftet wegen Besitzes und Vertrieb von Kinderpornografie

Do., 21.08.2014 - 06:48 Uhr

Der ehemalige Schlagzeuger der US Hardcore Band BETRAYAL, Tony Ramirez, wurde wegen des Verdachts auf Besitzes und Vertrieb von Kinderpornografie verhaftet. Ihm wird vorgeworfen in mindestens zwei Fällen Material vertrieben und selbst Bilder ins Internet gestellt zu haben.

Die Band hat sich mit folgenden Statement zu Wort gemeldet:

"We just wanted to address everything going on with Tony. First, I want to say how shocked and disappointed we are about the allegations in the news regarding him. This is something that we would have never expected to hear about him. With that being said, Tony has not been a member of Betrayal for over two years. He had some unfortunate events happen in his life that did not allow him to commit full time and be a member of this band. If you follow us, you would notice that Tony hasn't been in our promo pictures or on tour with us in quite some time. We sincerely hope these alegations prove to be false, but regardless, this is something that we do not take lightly and something that shouldn't be reflected upon Betrayal."
Ramirez wurde in Vancouver verhaftet und soll im Oktober vor Gericht gehört werden.

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