BEING AS AN OCEAN - Europatour im Juni und Juli 2014

Nachdem die US Hardcore Band BEING AS AN OCEAN bereits im Februar 2014 in Europa unterwegs war, wird sie im Sommer, genauer im Juni und Juli, wieder über den großen Teich kommen und Shows wie auch Festivals spielen.
Hier die bisher bekannten Termine:
20.06.14 - Germany - Wiesbaden - United Against Racsim Festival w/ Memphis May Fire, Hundredth, letlive.
21.06.14 - Germany - Trier - Summerblast
22.06.14 - Germany - Köln - Underground w/ Hundredth, Rotting Out, letlive.
23.06.14 - Italy - Milan - Ligera
24.06.14 - Italy - Rome - Traffic Club w/ Of Mice & Men
25.06.14 - Italy - Cesena - Vidia Club w/ Of Mice & Men
26.06.14 - Switzerland - Monthey - Pont Rouge w/ Rotting Out
27.06.14 - Germany - Karlsruhe - Die Stadtmitte w/ Hundredth, letlive.
28.06.14 - France - Vic le Comte - Festival Alambic
29.06.14 - tba
30.06.14 - UK - Glasgow - Cathouse w/ Hundredth, Rotting Out
01.07.14 - UK - Cardiff - Clwb Ifor Bach w/ Hundredth, Rotting Out
02.07.14 - UK - London - Underworld w/ Hundredth, Rotting Out
03.07.14 - Netherlands - Arnheim - Willemeen w/ Hundredth, Rotting Out
04.07.14 - Germany - Roitzschjora - With Full Force
05.07.14 - tba
06.07.14 - Slovakia - Bratislava - Randall Club w/ Stick To Your Guns, Hundredth
07.07.14 - Austria - Gleisdorf - Kulturkeller w/ Hundredth
08.07.14 - Austria - Wien - Viper Room w/ Hundredth
09.07.14 - Slovenia - Ljubljana - Gala Hala w/ Stick To Your Guns, Hundredth
10.07.14 - Austria - Innsbruck - Weekender w/ Stick To Your Guns, Hundredth
11.07.14 - Czech Republic - Tabor - Mighty Sounds Festival
12.07.14 - Belgium - Genk - Miner Fest