
AUGUST BURNS RED - Gitarrist Brent Rambler nicht auf Europatour

Mi., 11.09.2013 - 20:23 Uhr

Wie Brent Rambler, Gitarrist der US Metalcore Band AUGUST BURNS RED jetzt bekannt gab, wird er auf der kommenden Europatour der Band nicht mit dabei sein.

Rambler und seine Frau erwarten ihr erstes Kind und die Geburt wird in den Zeitraum der Tour fallen.

Rambler schreibt:

"As some of you may know, my wife and I are expecting our first baby VERY soon. Because of this I have decided to sit out this European tour, so I can be home to help my wife during the last few weeks of her pregnancy and ensure that I'm present when my son is born.

HOWEVER, do not worry, as my guitar playing duties have been left in the very capable and very shreddy hands of Mr. Justin Huffman.(ex - I, The Breather) Justin has been friends with the band for a very long time, and he's been practicing these songs since April, so everything will sound awesome for our amazing fans overseas. Heck, he even kind of looks like me.

I will make my triumphant return to the band for our North American Headlining tour, which starts November 1st at the Union Transfer in Philadelphia, but in the mean time please show Justin an awesome time!

My wife and I can't wait to welcome our baby into this world, and I hope that all of our European fans have a blast over the next 3 weeks!

I wish I could be there, and I'll see you next time!"

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