

Datum: 13.05.2013 (Mo.)

Beginn: 21 Uhr

Location: Stö 16 / Leipzig (Sachsen)

Website: www.facebook.com


Celeste ( Lyon, France Denovali Records) - denovali.com

From black metal to sludge, from doom to posthardcore - the people love them because they're not copying other bands - they're not trying to exhaust any genre clichés - they're creating their own dark soundscapes with every new record. this time again: seven songs (more than 40 minutes) of pure hopelessness and distress. And it's pretty simple to circumstantiate their success: they're still an excellent liveband. To bring this promo tralala to an end and to finally characterize this new masterpiece is one quote: ''Don't pass up on the heaviest albums of the year of one of the best metal bands of the past 4 years.'' (denovali rec.)

Throwers ( Leipzig, germany Vendetta Records) - throwers.bandcamp.com

Four young and angry men, from leipzig, eastern germany ; playing brutal , chaotic hardcore ( Vendetta Rec.)

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