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Verfasst: 18.02.2006, 01:56
von evil-in-vegas
Hey Stefan, du kannst das eine nicht dem anderen vergleichen!!!
Da zeigt sich mal wieder wie einseitig du bewertest...

Verfasst: 18.02.2006, 02:09
in gewissem maße hat er recht...naja whatever...

Verfasst: 18.02.2006, 10:02
von Afro
Irate spielen ihre letzte Show auf dem filled with hate fest... am 31.03.06

Verfasst: 18.02.2006, 11:21
von omerta
Tanktape hat geschrieben:R.I.P.


:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
na schöne shice. live echt ne wucht so, auf platte zumindest mal ganz nett.

hatten sich all out war nicht eigentlich schon aufgelöst? :shock:

Verfasst: 18.02.2006, 11:43
von niffi
omerta hat geschrieben:hatten sich all out war nicht eigentlich schon aufgelöst? :shock:
naja wie ich das erfahren habe ja, aber eben jetzt wieder zusammen und neue scheibe und so...

Verfasst: 18.02.2006, 11:59
von omerta
ah... :o

Verfasst: 04.03.2006, 01:27
von Na nu!
DMD endgültig tot, letzte show:
To all you lovers and haters out there...
Die...My Demon will play it's last show ever in Dendermonde's "Poolbar" the 18th of March.
It will be your last chance to dance.
Put it in your agenda and BE THERE !!!
sehr sehr schade!!! :cry:

Verfasst: 04.03.2006, 11:20
von crs
Na nu! hat geschrieben:
sehr sehr schade!!! :cry:

Verfasst: 04.03.2006, 14:02
von Dr. Gonzo
To all you lovers and haters out there...
Die...My Demon will play it's last show ever in Dendermonde's "Poolbar" the 18th of March.
It will be your last chance to dance.
Put it in your agenda and BE THERE !!!


Verfasst: 04.03.2006, 16:05
von SevEreD
SevEreD hat geschrieben:hä? dead stop ?
"Though the decision to break up was a hard one to take, we feel like there is no better time to do it than now. We have accomplished everything we wanted to achieve with this band and then some. Rather than fizzling out like a candle we would like to go out with a bang, now that we are still fully enjoying what we do and before petty bullshit ruins what we have built throughout the last 4 years. We feel that with "Live For Nothing" we have written the best record we were capable of and have said everything we wanted to say with DEAD STOP. We've been all over Europe , from England to Greece and from Norway to Spain . We've toured the US twice. We got the chance to play our beloved Lintfabriek countless times and got to share the stage with a lot of the bands we greatly respect. We are grateful for all the support we've gotten and all the craziness and hardcore enthusiasts that followed us nearly anywhere we went but it is time for something new. New challenges and new bands.

We started this band to pay tribute to the early 80's hardcore pioneers we all loved and most kids seemed to have forgotten about. At the same time we were sick of seeing lame bands playing watered down hardcore to bored crowds. With a lot of hard work we managed to gain monumentum rather quickly and soon played shows of which we could only have dreamed of playing before, plus we think we managed to open a lot of people's eyes to the truly important and often overlooked early 80's hardcore bands that inspired us and brought us together in the first place. We are proud of everything we have achieved and how we achieved it.

Thank you all for your support and we hope to see you all on the 20th of May and/or at the other shows we'll be playing before we say goodbye."
also gibts auch keine guten 3 akkorde pogo bands mehr. wenigstens 2x mal gesehen

Verfasst: 04.03.2006, 18:06
von evil-in-vegas
Dead Stop haben damit alles richtig gemacht!!!
Sev. dann bleib lieber bei anspruchsvollen Metal!!!

Verfasst: 04.03.2006, 18:11
von SevEreD
find ich auch ok. anspruchsvoller hc triffts eher, ding ding ;)

Verfasst: 04.03.2006, 18:39
von evil-in-vegas
Du und Hardcore??? :lol:

Verfasst: 04.03.2006, 21:25
von SevEreD
geh emo hören :idea:

Verfasst: 04.03.2006, 21:58
von evil-in-vegas
yap, mach ich auch gleich...
that very time I saw und danach gehts ab auf minimal...

Verfasst: 09.03.2006, 17:29
von xxxOUTLAWxxx