UNHOLY (ex- The Promise) details, mp3, preorder

Musik Reviews und Filmberichte
Beiträge: 14
Registriert: 29.12.2005, 17:07

UNHOLY (ex- The Promise) details, mp3, preorder

Beitrag von silentstagnationrecords »

Silentstagnation Records set the release-date for Unholy's debut EP "Awaken The Sleep" to August 10th and posted artwork and tracklist. The European version contains exclusive artwork and layout by Szandor Kubassa as well as the bonus track "Scales From A Leper" and comes as 6-pages Digipak.

The record is available for preorder as a special limited package that will be sent out to everyone who orders by the end of July. Find it @ our store

You can also check out an mp3 from the song "Dreams In The Witch House" in our media section.

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